Citilink Indonesia
Citilink Indonesia is Garuda's Indonesia subsidiary, which focused on the Low Cost Carrier (LCC). Citilink has been the fastest expanding airline in Indonesia over the past four years as it has pursued strategic growth in an attempt to close the gap with the others. Citilink accounted for about 14% of passenger traffic among Indonesian LCCs in 2015 compared to less than 4% in 2010. Citilink has been set up since the Indonesian Air Space Regulations in 2002 and it
Jakarta, Indonesia

Citilink Indonesia is Garuda's Indonesia subsidiary, which focused on the Low Cost Carrier (LCC).

Citilink has been the fastest expanding airline in Indonesia over the past four years as it has pursued strategic growth in an attempt to close the gap with the others. Citilink accounted for about 14% of passenger traffic among Indonesian LCCs in 2015 compared to less than 4% in 2010.

Citilink has been set up since the Indonesian Air Space Regulations in 2002 and its first aircraft was F-28. Nowadays Citilink has reform its business to focus in offering air transport service with a simple and affordable price.

Citilink has been the fastest growing airline in Indonesia since 2011, when it took its first A320 and accelerated expansion as part of an attempt by the Garuda Group to compete more aggressively at the bottom end of the market against the current market leader. Citilink was established back in 2001 but in its first decade operated a small number of 737s and had annual passenger traffic that never exceeded slightly more than one million.

CitilinkÕs annual passenger numbers have increased seven fold since 2010, when it carried only 1.1 million passengers. Passenger traffic was up 41% in 2014 to 7.6 million, representing the fourth consecutive year of growth exceeding 40%. Citilink recorded 87% growth in passenger numbers in 2013, 76% in 2012 and 42% in 2011.

Professional staff, open minded team work and strong leadership will bring Citilink to achieve its vision to become a profitable leader airline in Indonesia and further South East Asia region.

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Mobile App Data
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| betterFly Citilink
  • 10 SDKs
  • 2.54 Avg. Rating
  • 34 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Travel
  • Bundle ID:
  • App Size: 61.9 M
  • Version: 3.6.0
  • Release Date: August 28th, 2013
  • Update Date: August 21st, 2019


Your Journey, Starts in Your Hand.

Explore the beauty of Indonesia with Citilink's brand new mobile app. You can simply book, check-in and view your flight bookings on your mobile phone.

There's no stopping you to fly with Citilink, you can go anywhere and anytime to all of our wondrous destinations. Search for value flights and exciting destinations with one single tap, easy and fast for your own convenience. Online booking at its finest.

Forgot to print your flight ticket? Worried about the Airport Rush? Don't be, save time and get your boarding pass through our app's simple and easy check-in feature.

View the detailed flight information regarding your online booking status anywhere and anytime.

We will always continue to improve our mobile app to make your travel experience easier, so stay tune for new and exciting features coming soon!

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Reviews (Newest First)


Aug 20, 2016

Very helpful

Quick confirmation on mobile check-in, including pick & pay for chosen seat. Simply to find my booking confirmation. Keep update.


Jan 02, 2016

Ticket purchase

On two seperate occasions I was unable to purchase tickets via credit card.


Aug 24, 2015

Mobile check-in error

Saya melakukan mobile check-in untuk 3 penumpang dalam 1 booking. Saat saya klik tombol pada tahap akhir untuk memproses cek-in tsb, hasilnya "error". Kemudian saya cek statusnya melalui web check-in dan ternyata 2 penumpang telah mendapatkan kursi, 1 orang belum. Akhirnya saya selesaikan proses cek-in melalui website, dengan hasil 1 orang tsb mendapatkan kursi yg terpisah. Padahal, saat saya tanyakan ke call center mengenai denah kursi, masih tersedia kursi standar berderet untuk 3 orang. Pengalaman saya, walau pemilihan secara acak, sistem selalu memilih kursi yg berderet untuk penumpang dalam 1 booking. Apakah karena"error" tadi hingga hanya terpilih 2 kursi yang berderet? Disappointing...

Aug 05, 2015


This app is easy too use, and really helpful

Jun 24, 2015


It's very useful to book your ticket. But it takes several giga bytes from your phone's memory space

Jan 27, 2015

Well done!

Tried it once and it was easy to book flights! Will be using it again anytime soon!
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