FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. was founded in 1991 and is the first modern passenger car production enterprise which is constructed based on the economical scale. During the 25 yearsÍ development, the Company has currently four vehicle plants in three bases: Changchun Base, Southwest Base and South China Base. East China Base was started up on November 3rd 2014 and North China Base start-up on May 18th 2016. FAW-VW is a large-scale pass

FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. was founded in 1991 and is the first modern passenger car production enterprise which is constructed based on the economical scale. During the 25 yearsÍ development, the Company has currently four vehicle plants in three bases: Changchun Base, Southwest Base and South China Base. East China Base was started up on November 3rd 2014 and North China Base start-up on May 18th 2016.
FAW-VW is a large-scale passenger car production enterprise which is invested by China FAW Group Corporation, Volkswagen AG, Audi AG and Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd. with a share proportion of 60%, 20%, 10% and 10% respectively.
In 2015, the Company was facing the large-scale production line transformation as well as the mix-production of new and old products etc. FAW-VW has achieved a production volume of 1.64 Mio. units, AaK of 1.63 Mio. units and the sales revenue of 296 billion RMB. The number of the employees has reached 34,000.
The product range of FAW-VW has developed from only one model of VW brand in the early stage to the current 13 models of both VW and Audi brand. Each product is leader with high quality and sales volume in its segment market.
The world-leading equipment and technology are used in every step of the production, which ensures fundamentally the precision and stability of products.
During the 25 yearsÍ development, FAW-VW has received the favor of users, the support of the industry and the recognition of the society. FAW-VW has repeatedly won praises of the government, the industry and the media.

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  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/faw-volkswagen/id552380995
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