Fetim Group
A Fetim product in every home, that is our ambition. The Fetim Group is an international trading company founded in 1919. We are specialised in designing, developing, marketing and sale of product concepts to professional, trade and retail markets. With 600 empolyees we are active in more than 40 countries, with 26 brands and 14 offices all over the world. Our passion is to build an enduring company where people are motivated to create fantastic concepts. Co
Amsterdam, Netherlands

A Fetim product in every home, that is our ambition.

The Fetim Group is an international trading company founded in 1919. We are specialised in designing, developing, marketing and sale of product concepts to professional, trade and retail markets. With 600 empolyees we are active in more than 40 countries, with 26 brands and 14 offices all over the world.

Our passion is to build an enduring company where people are motivated to create fantastic concepts. Concepts that really matter to our customers and differentiate us from the competition. We believe that quality is the key to success and to a sustainable, profitable relationship with our customers.

We estimate that 30 million families have a Fetim product in their home. Over the past years we sold 12,5 million toilet brushes, 15 million m2 wooden floors, 18 million meter curtain track and pole and 10 million m2 construction products...

Ambition, passion and commitment suits us. We work with talented and enthusiastic people. We encourage personal development and initiative. We constantly develop and adjust to the markets in which we operate. This requires flexibility and creativity of our people. We love challenges and work in a team to continuously improve our performance. We offer lots of space for entrepreneurial thinking, personal growth and development.

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They are headquartered at Amsterdam, Netherlands, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.