Kainos Group plc is a UK-based provider of Digital Services and Digital Platforms.
The GroupÍs Digital Services include full lifecycle development and support of customised Digital Services for government and commercial customers. Kainos is also the largest boutique partner for Workday Inc. (ïWorkdayÍ) in Europe, responsible for implementing Workday's innovative Software as-a-Service (SaaS) platform for enterprise customers.
The GroupÍs Digital Platforms comprise specialised digital products in the mobile healthcare and automated testing arenas. Evolve Electronic Medical Records (ïEMRÍ) is the market leading product for the digitisation of patient notes in the Acute sector of the NHS; Evolve Integrated Care (ïICÍ) is a SaaS-based integrated care platform for NHS and international healthcare providers; and Smart is an automated testing platform for Workday customers.
Kainos employs over 1,000 staff across ten offices in Europe and the USA, working interchangeably across its Services and Platforms businesses. Kainos is listed on the London Stock Exchange (KNOS). For further information, please visit www.kainos.com.
Our clients are predominantly in the Public, Healthcare and Financial Services sectors, and include well-known global organisations and large government departments. Our people are knowledgeable, enthusiastic and have a work ethic that our clients tell us is unique. They really like working for us: we are consistently recognised as one of the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work For.
- Company Name:Kainos
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Belfast, United Kingdom
Information Technology and Services
1,000 - 5,000 employees
- 852690 Global Rank
- 67629 United Kingdom
- 72.8 K Estimated Visits

- 0 SDKs
- 5 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/kainos/id624704671
- App Support: http://appcamp.pl/
- Genre: Medical
- Bundle ID: com.kainos.appcamp.BalanceTester
- App Size: 15.8 M
- Version: 1.1
- Release Date: April 16th, 2013
- Update Date: April 26th, 2013
Sprawdź swojÄ równowagÄ poprzez 3 badania medyczne i 2 Äwiczenia.
Balance Tester to aplikacja, która na podstawie kilku prostych badaÅ pozwala stwierdziÄ czy posiadasz problemy z równowagÄ . Oprócz badaÅ czekajÄ na Ciebie Äwiczenia, dziÄki którym bÄdziesz mógÅ codziennie doskonaliÄ swojÄ równowagÄ. Aplikacja poza szerokim zastosowaniem medycznym idealnie nadaje siÄ do zabawy ze znajomymi - kto z was ma lepszÄ równowagÄ?
Co znajdziesz w aplikacji:
- Próba Romberga - pozwala na zbadanie równowagi statycznej,
- Próba marszu po prostej oraz Próba Unterberga - pozwalajÄ
na zbadanie równowagi dynamicznej,
- 2 Äwiczenia - udoskonalaj swojÄ
- statystyki - sprawdzaj swoje postÄpy,
- fantastyczna grafika.
Balance Tester zostaÅ stworzony jako czÄÅÄ programu App Camp, organizowanego przez firmÄ Kainos. Studenci zdobyli wiedzÄ i umiejÄtnoÅci oraz wsparcie, które pozwoliÅo im zrealizowaÄ swoje pomysÅy. Å»eby dowiedzieÄ siÄ wiÄcej, bÄ dź zgÅosiÄ swoje zainteresowanie kolejnÄ edycjÄ , odwidedź http://appcamp.pl lub http://kainos.plÂ
Test your balance with 3 simple tests and 2 excercices.
Balance Tester is an application for balance testing. Few simple tests will rate your balance, and excercices will allow you to practice it on daily basis. This medical application can be also used for fun - test you balance with friends!
- Romberg's test - verify your static balance
- "Walk a stright line" and Unterberg's test - verify your dynamic balance
- 2 excercies - practice on daily basis
- statistics - monitor your progress,
- outstanding graphics.
Balance Tester was developed as part of the Kainos App Camp PL program. Students where given the skills, tools and support needed to make thier ideas a reality. To find out more info, or apply yourself, see http://appcamp.co.uk or http://kainos.com
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Nice app!
Ken Bonovic
Well done
Jack The Huck
George Kolonko
Great app!
They are headquartered at Belfast, United Kingdom, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Kainos works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, AdRoll, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Twitter Ads, Facebook Exchange FBX, Yahoo Small Business, Pubmatic, IponWeb BidSwitch, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick Bid Manager, LinkedIn Ads, Bizo, JW Player Tracking, Clickagy.