Football Association Of Ireland
The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) is the governing body of football in the Republic of Ireland. Today, over 450,000 people are involved in Irish football either playing with clubs and schools or being involved as coaches, officials and volunteers. The role of the Association is to promote, foster and develop this activity. The FAI controls the activities of all Ireland's international football teams and is affiliated to FŽdŽration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Through its own affiliated bodies the FAI also organises all domestic competitions. The FAI is also active in the training and education of players, coaches and officials and aims to develop better facilities and support services for all those involved in the game.
200 - 500
Dublin, Ireland

The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) is the governing body of football in the Republic of Ireland. Today, over 450,000 people are involved in Irish football either playing with clubs and schools or being involved as coaches, officials and volunteers. The role of the Association is to promote, foster and develop this activity.

The FAI controls the activities of all Ireland's international football teams and is affiliated to FŽdŽration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Through its own affiliated bodies the FAI also organises all domestic competitions.

The FAI is also active in the training and education of players, coaches and officials and aims to develop better facilities and support services for all those involved in the game.

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Global Rank 198,056
Israel Rank 17,950
Israel Page Views 14.8%
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  • Higher and Further Education
  • Student Resources
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  • 43 SDKs
  • 2.43 Avg. Rating
  • 5 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: sports
  • Bundle ID: ie.fai.makethematch
  • App Size: 49.8 M
  • Version: 4
  • Release Date: June 4th, 2015
  • Update Date: June 11th, 2015


matches of Ireland vs England and Ireland vs Scotland in Aviva Stadium in Dublin.

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Football Association Of Ireland receives up to 0.005M pageviews per day.

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