Fortuna Group
The Fortuna Entertainment Group was established in 2009 and it is the largest Central European betting operator. Originally a Czech firm, we have grown into a holding company over time, and now also operate on the Slovak, Polish, Romanian and Croatian markets, employing over 6000 people worldwide. We are constantly investing in new products and expanding our existing network. We are an established brand on the market and among customers thanks to our 20-year history. During this period, we have shaped ourselves as a leader in setting trends in the betting sector. This has been borne out by the rapid rise in online betting and online games, which we were one of the first to introduce in Slovakia and subsequently in the Czech Republic and Poland. Professional and experienced bookmakers with an excellent understanding of local markets are our key linchpin. But it's not only our bookmakers who form and shape our open, friendly and casual culture. It is every single one of us, from IT through Finance to Marketing and HR. We would have hardly ever achieved our market position without our people.
Prague, Czech Republic

The Fortuna Entertainment Group was established in 2009 and it is the largest Central European betting operator. Originally a Czech firm, we have grown into a holding company over time, and now also operate on the Slovak, Polish, Romanian and Croatian markets, employing over 6000 people worldwide. We are constantly investing in new products and expanding our existing network.

We are an established brand on the market and among customers thanks to our 20-year history. During this period, we have shaped ourselves as a leader in setting trends in the betting sector. This has been borne out by the rapid rise in online betting and online games, which we were one of the first to introduce in Slovakia and subsequently in the Czech Republic and Poland. Professional and experienced bookmakers with an excellent understanding of local markets are our key linchpin. But it's not only our bookmakers who form and shape our open, friendly and casual culture. It is every single one of us, from IT through Finance to Marketing and HR. We would have hardly ever achieved our market position without our people.

Site Traffic
  • 9307 Global Rank
  • 57
    Czech Republic
  • 4.51 M Estimated Visits
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Geography Breakdown
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Global Rank 19,820
Czech Republic Rank 116
Czech Republic Page Views 98.7%
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  • Ann Arbor
Mobile App Data
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  • 0 SDKs
  • 4.67 Avg. Rating
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Sports
  • Bundle ID: com.mobenga.fortuna-cz
  • App Size: 147 M
  • Version: 38.1
  • Release Date: May 21st, 2021
  • Update Date: March 5th, 2020


Fortuna Sport

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Aplikace nabízí vše, na co jste zvyklí z webu: sázky SOLO, AKO a nově i Maxikombi! Kompletní přehledy tiketů a transakcí, možnost dotací či výběrů z účtu.

Pro nové hráče máme na výběr ze 2 vstupních bonusů!

Základní funkce aplikace:

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• Propracované sportovní statistiky a tabulky
• LIVE streamy – sledovaní video přenosů sportovních zápasů
• LIVE MatchTracker – vizualizace probíhajících zápasů včetně statistik
• Plnohodnotný tiket – všechny funkce a nastavení
• Typy sázek – možnost vsadit všechny typy sázenek včetně FALC, Malá domů i Maxikombi s veškerými možnostmi nastavení chyb a skupin
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• Přehled tiketů a transakcí – historie rozhodnutých tiketů
• Vyhledávání – fulltextové vyhledávání v nabídce
• Analýzy – Předzápasové analýzy zápasů
• Pobočky – nové vyhledávání poboček a navigace k nim

Aplikace kontroluje geografickou polohu uživatele z důvodu závazných pravidel obchodu iTunes firmy Apple Inc. pro sázkové aplikace.

Pro přihlášení musíte mít zaregistrovaný účet u a být starší 18 let. Aplikace ke své funkci vyžaduje internetové připojení.

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Fortuna Group
Fortuna Group receives up to 0.7M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Prague, Czech Republic, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Fortuna Group works with Advertising technology companies such as Connextra, Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing, AppNexus, Rubicon Project, Facebook Custom Audiences, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Pubmatic, IponWeb BidSwitch, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Openads/OpenX, Seznam, Index Exchange, adingo, Betradar, Adform, iBillboard, MBR Targeting, The Trade Desk, Google Floodlight Counter, Google Floodlight Sales, Betgenius Connextra.