Hisense Usa
Established in 2001, Hisense USA Corporation is a Georgia based subsidiary of the Hisense Company Ltd., headquartered in Qingdao, China. Hisense USAÍs product strategy is to steadily introduce a full range of electronics and appliances into the North American market. This includes televisions, refrigerators, air-conditioners, dehumidifiers, beverage coolers and freezers. In 2010, Hisense established a North American R&D center in Georgia to bring a more market-
Consumer Electronics
200 - 500
Suwanee, GA, United States

Established in 2001, Hisense USA Corporation is a Georgia based subsidiary of the Hisense Company Ltd., headquartered in Qingdao, China. Hisense USAÍs product strategy is to steadily introduce a full range of electronics and appliances into the North American market. This includes televisions, refrigerators, air-conditioners, dehumidifiers, beverage coolers and freezers. In 2010, Hisense established a North American R&D center in Georgia to bring a more market-centric approach to product development and technological innovations.

Today, Hisense USA sells into retailers across North America such as hhgregg, Best Buy, Walmart, Costco.com, Amazon.com and many others. Around the world, Hisense has production bases in South Africa, Algeria, Egypt and sales offices in USA, Europe, Australia, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Hisense products are exported to over 130 countries and regions throughout the world.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| HiSmart Air
  • 10 SDKs
  • 1.57 Avg. Rating
  • 14 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/hisense-usa/id1022120129
  • App Support: https://www.hisense-usa.com/support/models
  • Genre: Entertainment
  • Bundle ID: com.hisense.QView
  • App Size: 14.7 M
  • Version: 1.9
  • Release Date: October 29th, 2016
  • Update Date: April 13th, 2020


Qview comes pre-installed on Hisense 4K UHD Smart TVs.

Hisense Qview is unique because it enables multiple users to share multiple pieces of their content to the TV at the same time! If you’re planning a small gathering or large party, then Hisense Qview is the perfect way for everyone in attendance to share the spotlight together. Simply upload your favorite videos or photos into the queue (which holds 50 pieces of content at a time) and then view them one after the other on your Hisense 4K UHD Smart TV. Download Hisense Qview now to get started!

Cool Features:

• ‘Joined’ notification: Each time someone joins in to share their content, his or her name briefly appears on the TV screen.

• Share: Press the Share icon to cast a photo or video to the TV screen for others to view in a larger size

• Play Mode: Use this feature to enable or disable the queue from showing the next piece of content.

• Swipe Left/Right: Use the Swipe feature to go to the next or previous content on TV.

• Grab: The Grab feature is disabled by default. Use it to enable others to access the piece of content that you’ve shared to the TV.

• ‘Grabbed’ notification: Each time a user ‘grabs’ content (which can only be accessed when the content owner ‘enables’ the Grab feature), an on-screen notification briefly displays the device name.

• Exit notification: Each time a user leaves Hisense Qview an on-screen notification message is shown.

Download Hisense Qview now to enjoy it.

More details about Hisense Qview
Up to 10 people can share content on the TV at the same time. Qview supports JPEG, PNG and MP4 files. When a user leaves the app, then his or her content is no longer available for others to view or access. To view FAQs about this app, visit http://www.hisense-usa.com

Hisense Qview was developed by the Hisense Software Development team. We’d love to receive your feedback about your experience with using this app and will continue to add enhancements.

To purchase the Hisense 4K UHD Smart TV, visit http://www.walmart.com

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Reviews (Newest First)


Sep 22, 2017

Not worth my time

It crashes. Sometimes I can load one photo. But that's it. When I do get a picture to show up on the screen, there's nothing to view on my iPhone 7, iOS 11. There's no instructions. Needs ALOT of work. Please fix! I will definitely change my ratings! Thanks!


Sep 20, 2017

Doesn't work!!!

It doesn't even connect to my phone


Aug 19, 2017

Do not work

I install the app in my iPhone 5S and select the pictures I want to see in my Hisense H6, but it doesn't show any thing in the screen. I try to look for information in the internet, but I didn't find anything. I like a lot this TV, but at least Hisense company, suppose to make helpful videos for their products or a good customer service to explain how it works.. if it works.


Aug 04, 2017

Waste of time

Its not working!! Are you kidding?


Jul 21, 2017

It is a joke

Is Hisense kidding? It does not work at all. Did you guys test this before releasing?! I hope someone from the dev team sees this and get back to work


Apr 30, 2017

Doesn't work

Waste of time
The AV Foundation framework provides an Objective-C interface for managing and playing audio-visual media in iOS and OS X applications.
Core Foundation Framework
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Foundation Framework
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Use uniform type identifier (UTI) information to create and manipulate data that can be exchanged between your app and other apps and services using MobileCoreServices.
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Secure the data your app manages. Protect information and control access to your app.
System Configuration F...
This collection of documents describes the programming interfaces of the System Configuration framework. The System Configuration framework provides functions that determine the reachability of target hosts in both a synchronous and an asynchronous manner. It also provides error detection facilities.
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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