LayTec is a major provider of integrated optical metrology systems for thin-film processes in the compound semiconductor and photovoltaics industry. LayTec sensors are used in a broad range of thin-film applications such as compound semiconductor epitaxy, photovoltaic, oxide and organic deposition. Advanced use of measurement techniques such as reflectometry, emissivity corrected pyrometry, laser deflectometry, reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy are uniquely combined to create our series of novel products. LayTecÕs in-situ metrology provides access to all key thin-film parameters in real-time Ð either during the deposition process or in-line.
50 - 200
Berlin, Germany

LayTec is a major provider of integrated optical metrology systems for thin-film processes in the compound semiconductor and photovoltaics industry.

LayTec sensors are used in a broad range of thin-film applications such as compound semiconductor epitaxy, photovoltaic, oxide and organic deposition. Advanced use of measurement techniques such as reflectometry, emissivity corrected pyrometry, laser deflectometry, reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy are uniquely combined to create our series of novel products. LayTecÕs in-situ metrology provides access to all key thin-film parameters in real-time Ð either during the deposition process or in-line.

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