Maplehurst Bakeries, Llc
Maplehurst Bakeries is a leading producer of frozen bakery products for In-Store and Food Service Bakeries. We are committed to leading the In Store Bakery industry by developing and bringing the most innovative products to market. Our products and services can be found at the best supermarket chains and Foodservice outlets in North America. Since 1967, Maplehurst Bakeries is proud to have become one of our nationÍs largest bakeries dedicated to the highest quality bakery product available.
Food Production
1,000 - 5,000
Brownsburg, IN, United States

Maplehurst Bakeries is a leading producer of frozen bakery products for In-Store and Food Service Bakeries. We are committed to leading the In Store Bakery industry by developing and bringing the most innovative products to market. Our products and services can be found at the best supermarket chains and Foodservice outlets in North America. Since 1967, Maplehurst Bakeries is proud to have become one of our nationÍs largest bakeries dedicated to the highest quality bakery product available.

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  • Brownsburg
They are headquartered at Brownsburg, IN, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.