Newly Weds Foods
It was 1932 when Paul Angell married sheet cake and ice cream together to form the worldÕs first ice cream cake roll. To commemorate this creation, he named our firm Newly Weds¨ Foods. Our first strategic turn took place in 1952 when we began to supply batters and breadings for the then-emerging frozen food industry. By the mid-fifties, Newly Weds Foods had become the largest producer of customized food coatings in the U.S., a position we continue to hol
Food Production
1,000 - 5,000
Chicago, IL, United States

It was 1932 when Paul Angell married sheet cake and ice cream together to form the worldÕs first ice cream cake roll. To commemorate this creation, he named our firm Newly Weds¨ Foods. Our first strategic turn took place in 1952 when we began to supply batters and breadings for the then-emerging frozen food industry. By the mid-fifties, Newly Weds Foods had become the largest producer of customized food coatings in the U.S., a position we continue to hold to this day.

The '80s marked an exciting era of expansion for Newly Weds. We established our presence in Europe, broke ground on three new U.S. facilities, and entered the formulated seasonings field. During the next decade, our expansion plans continued to pick up speed. In an ongoing commitment to broaden our capabilities, we acquired several North American seasonings and functional ingredient firms including F.W. Witt & Company, UFL Foods, Tri-State Specialties and Chicago Spice Company. In October 2000, we took another quantum step forward with the acquisition of Flavorite Laboratories. We further solidified our food coatings and seasonings leadership positions with the purchases of Dirigo Spice and RHM Ingredients (U.K.) in 2002 and Heller Seasonings & Ingredients in 2003.

Today, Newly Weds Foods is a world leader in food ingredient technology. A network of R&D, manufacturing and service facilities around the globe allows us to serve our customers' needs in more than 68 countries. But despite our size and scope, weÕve continued to be an independent, family-owned business answerable only to the demands of our customers. ThatÕs why weÕve consistently invested in the infrastructure, human resources and capacity over the years to keep pace with their growing needs. And why weÕll be ready to address the formulation challenges theyÕll be facing tomorrow.

Charles T. Angell

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Newly Weds Foods
Newly Weds Foods
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