Pear Media Management Limited
Pear Media Management Ltd Where Technology is IncomPEARable. We are a global group of dynamic individuals from different cultures and talents committed to create and take the online experience to another level. Our expertise covers a wide range web media capabilities along with our passion for innovation, setting us in the forefront of online media management. PEAR VISION At Pear, we truly understand the power of media & information. We also
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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Pear Media Management Limited

Pear Media Management Ltd
Where Technology is IncomPEARable.
We are a global group of dynamic individuals from different cultures and talents committed to create and take the online experience to another level. Our expertise covers a wide range web media capabilities along with our passion for innovation, setting us in the forefront of online media management.


At Pear, we truly understand the power of media & information. We also understand that the world is comprised of diversified complex cultures that may date back thousands of years, have different religious beliefs and political philosophies. We understand and respect that every community & government have its own unique DOs & DONêTs, YESês & NOês. In short, we respect diversity and we believe that this is the way forward.

It is with all this understanding that we aim to use technology to bring the world closer together by providing simple & precise information and to be able to give every local community an equal opportunity to participate in our projects and to use the products & tools that we create. We value profit but we pay more attention to our clients, partners & usersê needs. We are here to serve the world.

Simple is Happy


SIMPLE _ To build & create simple A.P.I.T. (Applications, Products, Interfaces, Tools). At Pear, our primary mission is to simplify how information can/should be presented to users.

HAPPY _ To provide end users with a happy ending experience. We best want users to avoid raising more questions instead of finding answers. And we want the answers to be what the user expects and in time proven justifiable.

This is who we are, what we do and what we want to achieve. We hope the quality of our work meets these goals every day, week and year.

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They are headquartered at Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Pear Media Management Limited works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense, Index Exchange, Hit Farm.