Prep101 was started in 1999 by students from Queen's University and the University of Toronto. We realized that undergraduate students needed a better way to prepare for tests and exams. Since then, we've been helping students improve their grades and test scores. And we're just getting started! Our undergraduate prep courses are customized to your course at your university. We'll sharpen your problem-solving skills for every type of question on your t
Higher Education
50 - 200
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Prep101 was started in 1999 by students from Queen's University and the University of Toronto. We realized that undergraduate students needed a better way to prepare for tests and exams. Since then, we've been helping students improve their grades and test scores. And we're just getting started!
Our undergraduate prep courses are customized to your course at your university. We'll sharpen your problem-solving skills for every type of question on your tests and exams. And only Prep101 gives you a Course Booklet written by graduate students. It's the perfect study guide. There's simply no better way to get ready for your tests and exams.
Students come first at Prep101:
´ Our instructors are chosen by you - We put all our instructors through competitive auditions before audiences of undergraduate students. They tell us which instructors to hire. No other prep company goes to these lengths to find the best instructors.
´ You get all the facts about our instructors - We're the only company that posts profiles on all our instructors on our website. We give you their educational background and teaching history, because we firmly believe you should know who's teaching you.
´ We post performance evaluations too - Our students rate their instructors, so you know how well the person teaching you performs in the classroom. No other prep company does that.
´ Lending a helping hand - We're the only prep company to grant bursaries to hundreds of students every year.
We offer prep courses for the MCAT too. You'll never write a more important - or a tougher - test. A mediocre score won't get you into the medical school of your choice. Prep101 instructors and study guides are the best there are. Our MCAT prep courses will help you get the best score you're capable of.

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