Rocket Internet Gmbh
Rocket Internet incubates and invests in Internet companies with proven business models. It provides operational support to its companies and helps them scale internationally. Rocket Internet focuses predominantly on four industry sectors of online and mobile retail and services that make up a significant share of consumer spending: Food & Groceries, Fashion, General Merchandise and Home & Living. Rocket InternetÍs selected companies are active in a large num
200 - 500
Berlin, Germany
Rocket Internet Gmbh

Rocket Internet incubates and invests in Internet companies with proven business models. It provides operational support to its companies and helps them scale internationally. Rocket Internet focuses predominantly on four industry sectors of online and mobile retail and services that make up a significant share of consumer spending: Food & Groceries, Fashion, General Merchandise and Home & Living. Rocket InternetÍs selected companies are active in a large number of countries around the world with more than 28,000 employees. Rocket Internet SE is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN DE000A12UKK6, RKET). For further information please visit

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  • City University
Rocket Internet Gmbh receives up to 0.2M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Berlin, Germany, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Rocket Internet Gmbh works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, ExactTarget.