Sourpuss Clothing
Since 2001, Sourpuss has grown into a one-stop shop for clothing, accessories and homewares for folks who like to walk off the beaten path. You'll see a lot of love of old punk, tattooed pinups, vintage and kitschy oddities, retro monsters, tikis and sailors- along with a number of other things that make us happy! We're independently owned and very hands on. Our DIY attitude and loyalty stem from our long-time roots in the punk and oi scene, and it's that same loy
10 - 50
Pennsauken, NJ, United States

Since 2001, Sourpuss has grown into a one-stop shop for clothing, accessories and homewares for folks who like to walk off the beaten path. You'll see a lot of love of old punk, tattooed pinups, vintage and kitschy oddities, retro monsters, tikis and sailors- along with a number of other things that make us happy!

We're independently owned and very hands on. Our DIY attitude and loyalty stem from our long-time roots in the punk and oi scene, and it's that same loyalty and support that we receive from our customers that's appreciated so much. From our individual retail customers to the worldwide boutiques that carry our brand, many of you have become an extension of our family.

All of our retail customers are urged to go out there and support their local independent retailers carrying the Sourpuss brand! However, for those of you who do not have the luxury of having local access, our website,, not only carries the Sourpuss brand, but also a ton of other amazing brands. A few of these include: Iron Fist, King Kerosin, Liquorbrand, Lux De Ville, Kreepsville 666, etc. We're also proud retailers of Fred Perry, Lucky 13 and Lonsdale, all of whom we've been carrying since our early days as a brick and mortar store, Argy Bargy (sorry, gang! Argy Bargy is no longer around).

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Sourpuss Clothing
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