The Foundation For Young Australians (fya)
FYA is the only national independent non-profit organisation dedicated to all young people in Australia. We believe young people are not a problem to be helped or solved. They are ambitious, creative and capable of rethinking the world and solving tomorrowÍs problems today. Delivering a range of initiatives (co)designed with young people, FYA aims to develop the skills, networks and ideas of young Australians so they can create a better future.
Nonprofit Organization Management
10 - 50
Melbourne, Australia

FYA is the only national independent non-profit organisation dedicated to all young people in Australia. We believe young people are not a problem to be helped or solved. They are ambitious, creative and capable of rethinking the world and solving tomorrowÍs problems today. Delivering a range of initiatives (co)designed with young people, FYA aims to develop the skills, networks and ideas of young Australians so they can create a better future.

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  • 1269197 Global Rank
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Global Rank 462,219
Australia Rank 9,450
Australia Page Views 90.6%
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  • Cardiff City
The Foundation For Young Australians (fya) receives up to 0.05M pageviews per day, in countries such as Australia.

They are headquartered at Melbourne, Australia, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. The Foundation For Young Australians (fya) works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, Google Remarketing.