The Lambesis Agency
The Lambesis Agency is a brand development agency specializing in the creation of iconic brands by establishing a deeper emotional and cultural connection with consumers. For the past two decades, Lambesis has applied a style-based approach to branding across prestige and mass prestige products ranging from fashion and spirits, to electronics and travel, to fitness and music, gaining the company international recognition. The agency has a reputation for buil
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
La Jolla, CA, United States
The Lambesis Agency

The Lambesis Agency is a brand development agency specializing in the creation of iconic brands by establishing a deeper emotional and cultural connection with consumers. For the past two decades, Lambesis has applied a style-based approach to branding across prestige and mass prestige products ranging from fashion and spirits, to electronics and travel, to fitness and music, gaining the company international recognition. The agency has a reputation for building iconic style and design based brands, having extensive knowledge of cultural and consumer insights, and a mission to Òraise the general aesthetic.Ó

Malcolm Gladwell wrote an article entitled ÒThe CoolhuntÓ, published in The New Yorker, which focused on LambesisÕ L Report and its ability to predict fashion, music, and other cultural trends. Inspired by the tremendous response to his article, Gladwell made it the foundation for his best selling book, The Tipping Point. In the book, he dedicates an entire chapter to LambesisÕ work on the Airwalk Footwear campaign, which he examines the Òepidemic spread of trendsÓ among youth culture and the power of word-of-mouth influence. The research methods and techniques the agency used to brand clients pioneered the development of less traditional marketing methods, including the creation of buzz, viral marketing, and the use of short films online (for Airwalk and SKYY Vodka).

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They are headquartered at La Jolla, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. The Lambesis Agency works with Advertising technology companies such as AppNexus, Dstillery, Chango, Turn.