TIM offers infrastructures and technological platforms on which voice and data become advanced telecommunications services and leading-edge ICT solutions and tools for development for the Group itself and for the entire nation. TIM, Olivetti are the GroupÍs main brands; they are well-known by consumers and are a guarantee of reliability and competence. Up to December 31th 2015, the Group has 65,867 employees, 52,555 in Italy and 13,312 abroad. Among them, 24,139 are women and 41,725 men. TIM is aware that people create the success of the business and recognise the central importance of human resources within a framework of loyalty and reciprocal trust. Even if informal and friendly the working environment is strongly oriented to results and to continuos improvement. Training and individual development schemes play a key role in the Group with an attention at worklife balance. A continuos and well structured dialogue with all major Universities is part of our DNA since ever. Know more about working conditions at TIM visiting our web site at www.telecomitalia.com. For information related to Human Resources issues that you have not found here or in the website you can get in touch with the Telecom Italia Group's People Value Department through HRcontact@telecomitalia.it
Milano, Italy

TIM offers infrastructures and technological platforms on which voice and data become advanced telecommunications services and leading-edge ICT solutions and tools for development for the Group itself and for the entire nation.
TIM, Olivetti are the GroupÍs main brands; they are well-known by consumers and are a guarantee of reliability and competence.

Up to December 31th 2015, the Group has 65,867 employees, 52,555 in Italy and 13,312 abroad. Among them, 24,139 are women and 41,725 men.

TIM is aware that people create the success of the business and recognise the central importance of human resources within a framework of loyalty and reciprocal trust. Even if informal and friendly the working environment is strongly oriented to results and to continuos improvement. Training and individual development schemes play a key role in the Group with an attention at worklife balance. A continuos and well structured dialogue with all major Universities is part of our DNA since ever. Know more about working conditions at TIM visiting our web site at www.telecomitalia.com.

For information related to Human Resources issues that you have not found here or in the website you can get in touch with the Telecom Italia Group's People Value Department through

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They are headquartered at Milano, Italy, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Tim works with Advertising technology companies such as Adform.