Toyota Canada Inc. (TCI) is the exclusive Canadian distributor of Toyota and Lexus vehicles.
TCIÍs dedicated associates are driven by a vision to build tomorrow with the exciting work they do today. They are inspired by the opportunity to make a difference in their roles at TCI _ whether itÍs the pleasure of giving customers peace of mind, the thrill of advancing mobility through leading innovation and ever better cars, or the fulfillment of giving back to the communities where they live and work.
With a proud legacy of 50 years in Canada, and recognized as one of one CanadaÍs greenest employers, TCIÍs head office is located in Toronto, with regional offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal and Halifax, along with parts distribution centres in Toronto and Vancouver. Toyota also operates two award-winning manufacturing facilities, in Cambridge and Woodstock, Ontario.
Toyota Canada Inc. (TCI) est le distributeur canadien exclusif des v_hicules Toyota et Lexus.
Les associ_s d_vou_s de TCI sont motiv_s par le d_sir de construire demain avec le travail passionnant quÍils font aujourdÍhui. Ils sont inspir_s par la possibilit_ de faire une diff_rence dans leur rªle chez TCI _ quÍil sÍagisse de la joie dÍoffrir la tranquillit_ dÍesprit aux clients, du plaisir de favoriser la mobilit_ via des innovations de pointe et des voitures toujours meilleures, ou de la satisfaction de redonner aux communaut_s o ils habitent et travaillent.
Avec un fier h_ritage de 50 ans au Canada, TCI est reconnue comme lÍun des employeurs les plus verts au Canada. Son sige est situ_ ö Toronto, avec des bureaux r_gionaux ö Vancouver, Calgary, Montr_al et Halifax, et avec des centres de distribution de pices ö Toronto et Vancouver. Toyota exploite _galement deux usines de fabrication prim_es, ö Cambridge et Woodstock, en Ontario
- Company Name:Toyota Canada Inc.
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 27810 Global Rank
- 718 Canada
- 2.26 M Estimated Visits

- Polska
- Sporty zimowe
- Narciarstwo
- 1 K Downloads
- 9 SDKs
- 2.93 Avg. Rating
- 10 Total reviews
- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: auto_and_vehicles
- Bundle ID:
- App Size: 11.6 M
- Release Date: September 21st, 2017
- Update Date: April 5th, 2021
The LEXUS DASHCAM App allows access to your genuine LEXUS DASHCAM with your Android smartphone using the built in WIFI DIRECT connection. Adjust the camera settings and/or download your memorable videos directly using your Android smartphone.
App Features:
- View and download your recorded videos directly to your phone
- Adjust camera settings:
o Video quality
o Buzzer noise levels
o Turn ON/OFF Adventure Mode, and adjust SD card’s Adventure Mode memory allocation
o Turn ON/OFF Parking Surveillance Mode, and adjust sensitivity, wake-up modes and surveillance start delay functions
o Live view feature
- For your safety, the app will disconnect from the LEXUS DASHCAM if vehicle movement is detected. Do not operate your Android smartphone while vehicle is in motion.
Camera Features:
Your LEXUS DASHCAM features 5 unique recording modes: 3 automatic modes and 2 manual modes activated using the “ACTION” button:
1) Continuous recording – automatically records when vehicle ignition is on. Never worry about turning on the camera to start recording. When SD card is full, oldest files are automatically overwritten.
2) Automatic Incident recording – if an abnormal shock is detected when driving, camera automatically locks and protects the video file from overwriting for review at a later time. Sensitivity can be adjusted. Maximum of 10 event videos can be protected from overwriting.
3) Parking surveillance – when vehicle is parked with vehicle ignition off, camera automatically wakes up and starts recording if an abnormal shock is detected. Parking surveillance files are locked and protected from overwriting. Sensitivity can be adjusted. Maximum of 10 parking surveillance recordings can be protected from overwriting.
4) Manual Flagged Event recording – capture interesting moments by pressing the “ACTION” button on the camera. The current video segment(s) 12 seconds before and 8 seconds after button activation will be protected. Maximum of 5 manual event recordings can be protected from overwriting.
5) Adventure Mode recording – capture your driving adventures. Press and hold the “ACTION” button on the camera for 1 second to start protecting the recorded videos. The Adventure Mode recording will stop protecting files after maximum time is reached, or when the “ACTION” button is pressed and held again for 1 second. Maximum of 1 hour of Adventure Mode videos can be protected from overwriting.
Open Source Software Used:


They are headquartered at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and have 11 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Toyota Canada Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Exchange FBX, Google Adsense, Zenovia, eXelate, Undertone, ContextWeb, Brilig, AppNexus, Openads/OpenX, Turn, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Index Exchange, Criteo, Yield Manager, Yahoo Publisher Network, BlueKai, DoubleClick.Net, Switch Ads, IponWeb BidSwitch, Yahoo Small Business, LiveRail, Tapad, Centro, BlueKai DMP, BrightRoll, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Tribal Fusion, The Trade Desk, AppNexus Segment Pixel, SpotXchange, AcuityAds, DemDex, Media Innovation Group, Atlas, TripleLift, Eyeota, Drawbridge, Nexage, Sekindo, Facebook Custom Audiences, ExactTarget, Microsoft Advertising, Teads, Twitter Ads.