Vibrant Pittsburgh
Vibrant Pittsburgh is an economic development organization established by the leadership of the region to grow the diversity of the region's workforce by attracting, retaining, elevating and educating people of all backgrounds. Together with the involvement and support of the region's employers and leadership from across the business, foundation, nonprofit and education sectors, Vibrant Pittsburgh is creating a more diverse and inclusive place for people of all backgrounds to live, work and thrive. ÊÊ Vibrant PittsburghÕs efforts are timed to capitalize on the growing job opportunities in the region. ÊMore than 20,000 jobs are currently available, with additional jobs being created across five key industry sectorsÑ advanced manufacturing, energy, financial and business services, healthcare, life sciences and information and communications technology. Ê Join our group and the growing number of people across the country and the world who are discovering the region's diversity and exciting work opportunities, cultures and communities, and regional amenities. To reach us, please call 412-281-8600 or email us at or Vibrant PittsburghÕs United Way of Southwestern PA Contributor Choice number is 12887758.
Staffing and Recruiting
1 - 10
Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Vibrant Pittsburgh is an economic development organization established by the leadership of the region to grow the diversity of the region's workforce by attracting, retaining, elevating and educating people of all backgrounds. Together with the involvement and support of the region's employers and leadership from across the business, foundation, nonprofit and education sectors, Vibrant Pittsburgh is creating a more diverse and inclusive place for people of all backgrounds to live, work and thrive. ÊÊ

Vibrant PittsburghÕs efforts are timed to capitalize on the growing job opportunities in the region. ÊMore than 20,000 jobs are currently available, with additional jobs being created across five key industry sectorsÑ advanced manufacturing, energy, financial and business services, healthcare, life sciences and information and communications technology. Ê

Join our group and the growing number of people across the country and the world who are discovering the region's diversity and exciting work opportunities, cultures and communities, and regional amenities.

To reach us, please call 412-281-8600 or email us at or

Vibrant PittsburghÕs United Way of Southwestern PA Contributor Choice number is 12887758.

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They are headquartered at Pittsburgh, PA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Vibrant Pittsburgh works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google AdSense Custom Search Ads.