Designers and Makers for the New Economy In a world facing an emerging paradigm, we embrace change to design the future growth potentials of our clients by identifying new market spaces and co-creating new valuable experiences. Our cross-discipline approach combines digital strategy, design, programming, growth hacking and data science. We team up with organisations to achieve their disruptive innovation projects in a user-centric, agile start-up approach, focused on delivery. It's a methodology that works. As simple as that. We don't promise the moon. We just divide the time to market by 4, to generate business from scratch in 3 to 6 months.
Information Technology and Services
1 - 10
San Mateo, CA, United States

Designers and Makers for the New Economy

In a world facing an emerging paradigm, we embrace change to design the future growth potentials of our clients by identifying new market spaces and co-creating new valuable experiences. Our cross-discipline approach combines digital strategy, design, programming, growth hacking and data science.

We team up with organisations to achieve their disruptive innovation projects in a user-centric, agile start-up approach, focused on delivery. It's a methodology that works. As simple as that. We don't promise the moon. We just divide the time to market by 4, to generate business from scratch in 3 to 6 months.

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They are headquartered at San Mateo, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.