Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), a Global Fortune 500 Company is a major player in Refining and Marketing of petroleum products in India. The Company today is a fully integrated entity after the incorporation of upstream subsidiary Bharat PetroResources Limited. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) recorded excellent results in all facets of business and has achieved the highest ever net profit of Rs. 7431.88 crores during 2015-16 representing a 46.17% leap over last yearÕs record of Rs. 5084.51 crores. BPCLÕs Gross Revenue from Operations for 2015-16 was Rs.189,303.33 crores, compared to previous yearÕs revenues of Rs. 2,38,086.90 crores. BPCLÕs market sales volume was 36.53 MMT as compared to 34.45 MMT achieved during the last year. BPCLÕs market share amongst the public sector oil companies stood at 22.94% as against 23.29% recorded in the previous year and BPCLÕs net worth as on 31.3.2016 stands at Rs.27,158.69 cores as compared to Rs. 22,467.48 crores at the end of the previous year. Built on the pillars of innovation, care and reliability, Bharat Petroleum continues to energise lives and aspires to become one of the top global brands in the Energy sector. KNOW MORE : www.bharatpetroleum.in
Oil & Energy
> 10,000
Nagpur, India

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), a Global Fortune 500 Company is a major player in Refining and Marketing of petroleum products in India. The Company today is a fully integrated entity after the incorporation of upstream subsidiary Bharat PetroResources Limited.

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) recorded excellent results in all facets of business and has achieved the highest ever net profit of Rs. 7431.88 crores during 2015-16 representing a 46.17% leap over last yearÕs record of Rs. 5084.51 crores.

BPCLÕs Gross Revenue from Operations for 2015-16 was Rs.189,303.33 crores, compared to previous yearÕs revenues of Rs. 2,38,086.90 crores. BPCLÕs market sales volume was 36.53 MMT as compared to 34.45 MMT achieved during the last year. BPCLÕs market share amongst the public sector oil companies stood at 22.94% as against 23.29% recorded in the previous year and BPCLÕs net worth as on 31.3.2016 stands at Rs.27,158.69 cores as compared to Rs. 22,467.48 crores at the end of the previous year.

Built on the pillars of innovation, care and reliability, Bharat Petroleum continues to energise lives and aspires to become one of the top global brands in the Energy sector.

KNOW MORE : www.bharatpetroleum.in

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MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 18 SDKs
  • 2.67 Avg. Rating
  • 41 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/bharat-petroleum-corporation-limited/id594797915
  • App Support: http://my.ebharatgas.com/
  • Genre: Utilities
  • Bundle ID: com.cgt.bpcl
  • App Size: 17.1 M
  • Version: 2.1
  • Release Date: February 20th, 2013
  • Update Date: August 23rd, 2017


Bharatgas Mobile app facilitates consumers to avail LPG services- Now you can Book your refill & pay online, get refill history, your distributor details, Get safety instructions and avail various other services.

1. Brand New UI/UX
2. Multi-Language
3. Side Menu Options for additional features
4. Easy User Login
5. Login and Without login features access
6. Quick Book and Online Payment
7. Refill History
8. Mechanic Service Request
9. Address change service request
10. Mobile Number change service request
11. Get Your Distributor details
12. Request for Second Cylinder
13. OptOut Subsidy
14. Surrender Connection
15. Rate Your Distributor
16. Push Notifications
17. Safety Clips/Instruction
18. Locate Distributor
19. E-KYC
20. Talk to Us


1. How to login ?
You can login with registered mobile number. you will get OTP on your registered mobile number. After authenticate OTP, you need to generate Login PIN for future login.

2. What is skip login?
You can use BPCL new mobile app without login. there are limited features in without login. You can login anytime using Active login option.

3. Forgot Password ?
If you forgot your 4 digit login PIN for app, you can use forgot password to reset your PIN hence you will need to authenticate with your registered mobile number again.

4. Getting Authentication/Invalid/Unexpected/Network request error ?
You can try services back after some time, if still getting same error please try to re-login. If continue getting same error, for privacy reason report your issue to developer email only. you need to share your registered mobile number with your report email.

5. How to re-login ?
You can use forgot password option. App data will be reset and you can login again with registered mobile number.

6. Do not find-out payment option.
You can pay for your refill booking online, after a fresh refill booking there make payment option available. you can pay for your refill using credit/debit/net-banking. If getting any error to make payment, for privacy reason report your issue to developer email only. you need to share your registered mobile number with your report email.

7. Not getting OTP ?
Sometime OTP sending may be delayed due to a huge number of queue for SMS. You can wait or try after some time.

8. Query/Feedback for service request ?
Your Service request, Address change, Mobile Change, New connection request are processed by your distributor. You need to contact with your distributor in case any query.

9. Mobile number not Avaliable with BharatGas error ?
For privacy reason report your issue to developer email only and share your registered mobile number with your email.

10. Getting any other error ?
For privacy reason report your issue to developer email only. you need to share your registered mobile number with your report email.

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Vinod Nagarajan

Jan 24, 2017

Needs update

The app needs update for using it on iOS 10 and above. Hence could not use it. Dev team, please update the app


Jan 23, 2017

Please add payment option for gas booking.

iOS 10 app crashes when we are going to rate our distributor .

Salaam khan

Jan 08, 2017

Required Update For iso 10

Please Update for iso 10 for iphone as soon as possible Facing App Crash

Devesh Bhandarkar

Dec 20, 2016

Please update the app

Whenever the app is opened, a window appears saying that the app will be using more resources as it's not updated. Kindly update the app for iOS10.2


Dec 18, 2016

No online option

Booking cylinder is easy but the online payment option not there then it is useless. Improvement required on this.

Manish Mehta

Dec 08, 2016

Pls do urgently

Why can't i activate or register more than 1 account?
Assets Library Framework
In iOS and OS X, the Photos framework (formerly known as Assets Library framework) provides classes that support building photo editing extensions for the Photos app. In iOS, the Photos framework also provides direct access to the photo and video assets managed by the Photos app, including the iCloud Photo Library. Use this framework to retrieve assets for display and playback, edit their image or video content, or work with collections of assets such as albums, moments, and iCloud Shared Albums.
The AV Foundation framework provides an Objective-C interface for managing and playing audio-visual media in iOS and OS X applications.
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Core Foundation Framework
Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves. Core Foundation also provides abstractions for common data types, facilitates internationalization with Unicode string storage, and offers a suite of utilities such as plug-in support, XML property lists, URL resource access, and preferences.
Core Graphics
The Core Graphics framework is based on the Quartz advanced drawing engine. It provides low-level, lightweight 2D rendering with unmatched output fidelity. You use this framework to handle path-based drawing, transformations, color management, offscreen rendering, patterns, gradients and shadings, image data management, image creation, and image masking, as well as PDF document creation, display, and parsing.
Core Location Framework
The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated with a device. The framework uses the available hardware to determine the user’s position and heading. You use the classes and protocols in this framework to configure and schedule the delivery of location and heading events. You can also use it to define geographic regions and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions. In iOS, you can also define a region around a Bluetooth beacon.
Core Telephony Framework
Use the Core Telephony framework to obtain information about a user’s home cellular service provider—that is, the provider with whom the user has an account. Carriers can use this information to write applications that provide services only for their own subscribers. You can also use this framework to obtain information about current cellular calls.
Foundation Framework
Image IO Framework
The Image I/O programming interface framework allows applications to read and write most image file formats. This framework offers high efficiency, color management, and access to image metadata.
Launch Services
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Bpcl receives up to 0.2M pageviews per day, in countries such as India.

They are headquartered at Nagpur, India, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Bpcl works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.