Brand Marketing India
Brand Marketing India (BMI) is the holding company for the Calvin Klein Jeans, Calvin Klein Underwear, French Connection and French Connection Underwear businesses in India. Within a span of 5 years, BMI has opened over 350 points of sales across 32 Indian cities. An ever expanding geographical and retail presence, coupled with an in-depth understanding of the Indian retail environment, positions BMI as the preferred partner for international brands looking
Mumbai, India
Brand Marketing India

Brand Marketing India (BMI) is the holding company for the Calvin Klein Jeans, Calvin Klein Underwear, French Connection and French Connection Underwear businesses in India. Within a span of 5 years, BMI has opened over 350 points of sales across 32 Indian cities. An ever expanding geographical and retail presence, coupled with an in-depth understanding of the Indian retail environment, positions BMI as the preferred partner for international brands looking to foray into India.

Vijay Murjani, the Managing Director, moved to India in 2002 with a vision to be the leader in the International premium retail segment. In 2004, he spearheaded the launch of Tommy Hilfiger, which became the most successful premium lifestyle designer brand within 2 years of its launch in the country. The next step was to secure long term and exclusive relationships with Calvin Klein Jeans, Calvin Klein Underwear, French Connection and French Connection Underwear.

BMIÕs strategy is to constantly push the envelope by introducing innovative retailing and management approaches into the business, with an emphasis on executing global standards across retail operations, training, buying, merchandising and marketing. All of BMIÕs stores are designed to global standards and present in prime high street, mall and department store locations, thereby completing a truly world class shopping experience.

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They are headquartered at Mumbai, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.