Celebi Havaclk Holding / Celebi Holding
With a history of over half a century, âelebi had set benchmarks as an airport services provider globally including Ground Handling, Cargo, Passenger, Ramp, Warehouse Management, Trucking, General Aviation, Airport lounge management and VIP/CIP Services. âelebiÍs brand is highly recognized globally, and aims to differentiate as a leading hub operator, innovative partner to its customers, specialized on Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) requirements, a proven and experienced BOT provider with a proven record on Cargo Hub development in Delhi International Airport, currently focusing on Integrated Cargo Hub development in Istanbul. Serving just under 300 thousand flights and handling close to a Million Tons a year, âelebi leads the markets in Turkey and India while accelerating its expansion into Middle-East and Asia-Pacific regions. Certified with: ISAGO, ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001 and RA3. âelebi Holding ventured into the food sector, and in the maritime sector where it took over Bandirma Post operations, thereby expanding its sphere of services, and infusing a breath of fresh air to the group with these new industries.
Istanbul, Turkey

With a history of over half a century, âelebi had set benchmarks as an airport services provider globally including Ground Handling, Cargo, Passenger, Ramp, Warehouse Management, Trucking, General Aviation, Airport lounge management and VIP/CIP Services.

âelebiÍs brand is highly recognized globally, and aims to differentiate as a leading hub operator, innovative partner to its customers, specialized on Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) requirements, a proven and experienced BOT provider with a proven record on Cargo Hub development in Delhi International Airport, currently focusing on Integrated Cargo Hub development in Istanbul.

Serving just under 300 thousand flights and handling close to a Million Tons a year, âelebi leads the markets in Turkey and India while accelerating its expansion into Middle-East and Asia-Pacific regions.

Certified with: ISAGO, ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001 and RA3.

âelebi Holding ventured into the food sector, and in the maritime sector where it took over Bandirma Post operations, thereby expanding its sphere of services, and infusing a breath of fresh air to the group with these new industries.

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They are headquartered at Istanbul, Turkey, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Celebi Havaclk Holding / Celebi Holding works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, FLoC Opt-Out, FLoC.