Getit Infoservices Pvt. Ltd. is a digital, consumer-centric, knowledge power house that connects millions of Indian users with hyper-local information every day while making local business discoverable through targeted advertising program. Founded in 1986, Getit Infoservices has become one of the largest players in local search and classified business space after the acquiring Infomedia Yellow Pages from Network 18. It has presence in 47 major cities and covers over 5500 various
New Delhi, India
Getit Infoservices Pvt. Ltd.
About is a digital, consumer-centric, knowledge power house that connects millions of Indian users with hyper-local information every day while making local business discoverable through targeted advertising program.

Founded in 1986, Getit Infoservices has become one of the largest players in local search and classified business space after the acquiring Infomedia Yellow Pages from Network 18. It has presence in 47 major cities and covers over 5500 various categories with more than 2 lac paying advertisers.

It operates in business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B) and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) segments through following products available on internet, mobile & voice (0444-4444-444):

ASKME is one-stop destination to find information related to anything and everything; be it restaurants, spa, taxi services, travel, matrimony, jobs, education, mobile, gadgets, etc. It caters to usersÍ immediate and contextual requirement of information on mobile, internet, and voice while providing them deals, classified and option to buy both online and on a call! ASKME has an extensive local information across India that is both accurate as well as diverse and yet relevant.

FreeAds is a new age consumer classified platform on the web, voice and mobile, which in addition to classifieds provides the consumer a seamless experience of offers and deals that are contextually relevant.

Yellow Pages is evolving as a premier destination for SMEs to reach out to and interact with their stakeholders. It has been built as a multiple-channel platform to cater to ever-growing need of businesses to be found by their customers across all touch points. It is present on print, mobile and online media.

All the products are built around five core brand promises: discovery, communication, interaction, leads and transactions.

To know more about Getit Infoservices, visit or

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They are headquartered at New Delhi, India, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.