Mercy Corps
POWERED BY POSSIBLE The world is more fragile than ever. Food shortages have left millions of people hungry, while violent conflict has sent millions on the run. From poverty and malnutrition to natural disasters and climate change, itÍs easy to see a world of insurmountable challenges. Instead, we see an opportunity to create transformative change. We see the world differently. In crisis, we believe in the power of human potential. In struggle, we believe in th
Nonprofit Organization Management
500 - 1,000
Portland, OR, United States


The world is more fragile than ever. Food shortages have left millions of people hungry, while violent conflict has sent millions on the run. From poverty and malnutrition to natural disasters and climate change, itÍs easy to see a world of insurmountable challenges. Instead, we see an opportunity to create transformative change.

We see the world differently.
In crisis, we believe in the power of human potential. In struggle, we believe in the ability of communities to grow stronger.

So we act differently.
We understand that communities are the best agents of their own change and local markets are the best engines of long-term recovery. In more than 40 countries, we partner to put bold solutions into action, helping people triumph over adversity and grow stronger from within. For the refugee who dreams of rebuilding her country, for the mother who wants a healthy future for her children „ for millions of people filled with the power of possibility „Mercy Corps connects people to the resources they need to build better, stronger lives.

We create transformative change.

Mercy Corps has responded to nearly every global emergency over the past 20 years.
Since 1979, we have provided $3.7 billion in lifesaving assistance throughout the world. Each year we infuse millions of dollars into local economies through small business loans and grants to provide livelihoods for the worldÍs most vulnerable people. We are empowering more than 100,000 youth trapped by violent conflict to overcome the profound stress of war and become change makers in their communities.

We are powered by the belief that a better world is possible.

Join us.

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  • 10 K Downloads
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  • 4.05 Avg. Rating
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  • App Url:
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  • Genre: finance
  • Bundle ID: com.mercycorps.entrepreneur
  • App Size: 11.1 M
  • Version: 3
  • Release Date: May 13th, 2014
  • Update Date: May 13th, 2014


Wirausaha adalah aplikasi untuk perencanaan usaha untuk usaha kecil. Pengguna dapat belajar mengenai kewirausahaan mendasar dan bagaimana membuat perencanaan usaha serta pemasaran.

Panduan penggunaan dapat ditemukan di:

Di TAB BELAJAR, pengguna dapat mengetahui tentang:
1. Ayo Berwirausaha - apa sih arti berwirausaha itu?
2. Ide menjadi Bisnis - bagaimana membuat ide yang ada di kepala bisa terlaksana
3. Riset Pasar - apa manfaat riset pasar, dan bagaimana melakukannya?
4. Business Model Canvas
5. Business Plan
6. Pendanaan
7. Pemasaran

Pada TAB KEWIRAUSAHAAN, pengguna diminta untuk mengisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait usaha yang mau dilakukan. Hasil dari mengisi pertanyaan ini adalah Business Model Canvas dan Business Plan dalam format .xls yang telah terisi dan siap dicetak.

Pada TAB BUAT LOGO, pengguna bisa menciptakan logo melalui kombinasi pilihan huruf dan warna, atau memasukkan logo yang telah dimiliki sebelumnya.

Pada TAB PEMASARAN, pengguna dapat membuat galeri produk, dan bisa membagikannya melalui sosial media yang dimiliki, seperti Facebook, Twitter dan lainnya. Berjualan online, menjadi lebih mudah dengan fitur ini.

Aplikasi Wirausaha merupakan bagian dari program Digital Finance Technology (DigIT) Mercy Corps Indonesia yang didukung oleh Western Union. Program ini menekankan pada pemanfaatan teknologi untuk pendidikan keuangan dan pengembangan usaha kecil.

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Mercy Corps
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Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps receives up to 0.1M pageviews per day, in countries such as India, Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan, United States, Sudan, Myanmar, Nepal, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Uganda, Lebanon, Croatia, Kenya, Timor-Leste, Canada, Ethiopia.

They are headquartered at Portland, OR, United States, and have 5 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Mercy Corps works with Advertising technology companies such as, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Fetchback Retargeting, Conversant, Facebook Custom Audiences, Google Remarketing, eXelate, Twitter Ads, ContextWeb, Specific Media, AppNexus, Neustar AdAdvisor, Openads/OpenX, Switch Ads, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Aggregate Knowledge, Burst Media, SpotXchange, Index Exchange, Criteo, Videology, Improve Digital, BlueKai, Adap.TV, Media Innovation Group, BrightRoll, StickyAds TV, Yahoo Small Business, BlueKai DMP, Semasio, IponWeb BidSwitch, adingo, Smartclip, Amazon Ad System, Tapad, Amazon Associates, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Atlas, Microsoft Advertising, FLoC Opt-Out, FLoC, Teads.