Metroeast Community Media
MetroEast Community Media provides training, transmission and technology for everyday people to create media for local cable channels and for the web. Broadcasting currently in 10 different languages, MetroEast now offers low-cost or no-cost workshops in both English and Spanish. MetroEast also empowers local government, community groups and non-profit organizations through media. We provide support via partnerships and provide a platform for them to educate the community and promote their mission. Additionally, MetroEast has a dynamic youth media division called GET REEL. Get Reel offers specialized equipment, studio training and programs to help students and non-traditional filmmakers create and achieve.
Media Production
10 - 50
Gresham, OR, United States

MetroEast Community Media provides training, transmission and technology for everyday people to create media for local cable channels and for the web. Broadcasting currently in 10 different languages, MetroEast now offers low-cost or no-cost workshops in both English and Spanish. MetroEast also empowers local government, community groups and non-profit organizations through media. We provide support via partnerships and provide a platform for them to educate the community and promote their mission. Additionally, MetroEast has a dynamic youth media division called GET REEL. Get Reel offers specialized equipment, studio training and programs to help students and non-traditional filmmakers create and achieve.

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They are headquartered at Gresham, OR, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Metroeast Community Media works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.