Southern Cross Health Society
Not for profit, Kiwi health insurer Southern Cross Health Society looks after the health insurance needs of more than 850,000 members Ð paying 73% of the countryÕs health insurance claims. Our vision to create a healthier society underpins everything we do. As a not-for-profit organisation, any premium income not used to fund healthcare services is used for the benefit of members Ð either expanding the benefits available in our policies, improving services, streng
Auckland, New Zealand

Not for profit, Kiwi health insurer Southern Cross Health Society looks after the health insurance needs of more than 850,000 members Ð paying 73% of the countryÕs health insurance claims. Our vision to create a healthier society underpins everything we do.

As a not-for-profit organisation, any premium income not used to fund healthcare services is used for the benefit of members Ð either expanding the benefits available in our policies, improving services, strengthening reserves or in running the Society itself.

For every dollar in premiums we received in the last year, we paid over 90 cents back to our members in claims.

With Southern Cross health insurance, members get better access to quality healthcare - helping them get back on their feet faster. We pay over 3 million claims annually, offering a range of health insurance plans for all needs Ð from day-to-day cover through to comprehensive insurance - and we review our plans regularly to make sure the benefits are kept relevant and up to date.

Our network of Affiliated Providers help our members receive quality healthcare that is sustainable, accessible and affordable. And services like Easy-claim and My Southern Cross make claiming and managing their policy easy.

Using our expertise in health and wellbeing, we work with 4,000 New Zealand employers. These employers understand the health of their employees has a direct impact on the health of their business. We offer employee health insurance schemes and provide access to a range of workplace wellness programmes designed especially for New Zealand businesses to keep their staff, happy healthy and productive. Health insurance is a valued employee benefit and a competitive way to attract and retain the best people.

To find out more about working with Southern Cross and the health insurance options we offer visit

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  • Version: 2.17.10
  • Release Date: February 1st, 2014
  • Update Date: May 27th, 2021


Faster claiming, virtual member card & more.

With the app:
• Policyholders can make claims
• Members can make approval requests for healthcare services*
• Get outcomes of approval requests*
• View your benefit balances
• View and use your virtual Member card
• View previous claims and get updates on statuses
• Get outcomes of prior approval requests*
• Access real-time ultraviolet (UV) conditions using your location
• View and redeem member offers

To use the My Southern Cross app you need to be a Southern Cross health insurance member and be registered for My Southern Cross. By claiming through the app you agree to receiving communications online in My Southern Cross. * Except for members on the HealthEssentials plan.

By installing the My Southern Cross app you confirm to have read, understood and agreed to our Mobile App Terms of Use and our Privacy Statement In particular, you agree and understand that your eligibility for any benefits you view or claims you make using the app are subject to your current policy terms and conditions.

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Reviews (Newest First)


Dec 17, 2016

Security Crazies

The updated app prevents pasting in secure passwords, given mine is a long complex password, it makes the app unusable.

Johnstone Placid

Dec 08, 2016

Why bother

Clearly SC doesn’t want to make it easy or convenient for its top-end customers to claim. The reality is SC makes it as difficult as it can for its high value customers to submit claims as its not in their interest to have more claims or provide any level of ease of use. NIB is seriously starting to look much better to me. Whoever is in charge of digital at SC should be replaced as clearly they are incapable of moving with the times - having lived in 4 different countries (including one in Africa) I can say SC are at the bottom of the league table when it comes to a digital self service experience. So you can submit an a claim and then have to go the website to check its status? Do the words a customer experience mean anything to SC? Poorly thought out and visually as old as the person who probably ill conceived this app experience.


Nov 30, 2016


Claims on the app are painful. Firstly, data entry fields do not have an option to close the keyboard after typing and the 'continue' button is hidden by the keyboard. Next, it doesn't remember your default bank so the account needs to be entered at the end of the claims process. Third, it doesn't support multi tasking or even the cut and pasting of bank details, so when you go to your banking app to get your details this app drops everything and you need to start over. Only way is to write your bank details on a piece of paper or memorise them. Hopeless.


Oct 14, 2016

Poorly designed

After entering the last detail on each page the continue button is gone and you have to go back a field progress. Cannot switch apps to view your bank account number from elsewhere as this takes you back to the start of the application. Nor does the app allow you to paste in your bank account number let alone have it saved.


Oct 05, 2016

IPad version needed

This app is a promising start. Being able to claim online is great, but having to read everything sideways when I use my iPad keyboard to enter the data is a pain. Pretty poor that I have to retype my bank account details for every single claim; this app doesn't even support basic copy and paste. That is just daft. The app should allow the bank details to be stored as well as a list of regular providers and possibly even frequently used reasons for claim (useful for chronic conditions requiring recurring treatment). Whether this is stored locally on the device or on their database I don't really mind. Until these issues are addressed I'll be going back to paper forms and snail mail as it is actually quicker and easier for me!

Iain Hipkiss

Sep 14, 2016

Great innovation - BUT...

Great in theory, however let down in practice. The ability to remember my bank account (at the very least) would be incredibly useful. As would allowing me to enter regular providers such as my GP and pharmacist. Also being able to see previously submitted claims would be handy. Hopefully an update is on the way.
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