Us-bangla Airlines Ltd.
US-Bangla Airlines, a concern of US-Bangla Group, a business conglomerate in Bangladesh, established in 2010 to meet the growing demands for air travel both on the domestic and on the international routes with strong commitment to offer safe, reliable and comfortable flights to the traveling people. Ê The Airline, keeping pace with the times, has secured advance aircrafts to offer both safety and speedy journey that these 2 Canadian built Bombardier aircraft
500 - 1,000
Dhaka, Bangladesh

US-Bangla Airlines, a concern of US-Bangla Group, a business conglomerate in Bangladesh, established in 2010 to meet the growing demands for air travel both on the domestic and on the international routes with strong commitment to offer safe, reliable and comfortable flights to the traveling people.
The Airline, keeping pace with the times, has secured advance aircrafts to offer both safety and speedy journey that these 2 Canadian built Bombardier aircraft DASH-8 Q400 are capable of performing. DASH-8 Q400 has a larger capacity with 76 seats with 6 Business Class which is a unique feature and fitted with advanced avionics.
At the initial stage US-Bangla Airlines will operate on the domestic routes with daily flights to/from Dhaka, Chittagong, CoxÕs Bazar, Sylhet and Jessore. Subsequently the operating network will expand to include Saidpur and Rajshahi to link up the northern region. The AirlineÕs objective is to create an effective domestic network for people to travel by air to all the important cities in the country. This is in recognition of the importance of social and economic integration that air travel may create..
The Airlines is being managed by a team of highly professional and dedicated personnel who are fully committed to a safe and on-time air transportation of our valued passengers.

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Us-bangla Airlines Ltd.
They are headquartered at Dhaka, Bangladesh, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Us-bangla Airlines Ltd. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.