Vlisco Netherlands B.v.
Vlisco Netherlands B.V. is a subsidiary of Vlisco Group, which has three other subsidiaries: Uniwax, GTP and Woodin. The owner of Vlisco Group is Actis, a private equity investor with a focus on emerging markets, with headquarters in London, UK. Vlisco Netherlands B.V. is located in Helmond, in the south of the Netherlands and it has a satellite office in Amstelveen for Marketing & Sales. Since 1846 Vlisco has been designing and producing colourful fashion fabrics t
1,000 - 5,000
Helmond, Netherlands

Vlisco Netherlands B.V. is a subsidiary of Vlisco Group, which has three other subsidiaries: Uniwax, GTP and Woodin. The owner of Vlisco Group is Actis, a private equity investor with a focus on emerging markets, with headquarters in London, UK.

Vlisco Netherlands B.V. is located in Helmond, in the south of the Netherlands and it has a satellite office in Amstelveen for Marketing & Sales.

Since 1846 Vlisco has been designing and producing colourful fashion fabrics that form an essential part of the lively West and Central African culture. Vlisco has an innate sense of the expressive and creative strength of African consumers and, for generations, has succeeded in surprising and inspiring her passionate clientele with unique designs. As the sole authentic designer and manufacturer of these fashion fabrics Ð that are sometimes called ÔWax HollandaisÕ or ÔReal Dutch WaxÕ, Vlisco is unparalleled when it comes to quality, professional skill and innovation.

The Vlisco strategy is aimed at enabling sophisticated African women of style to experience the brand in all her facets and to maintain the leading position, not only in the area of design, but also in terms of total brand orientation. Launching of collections of fabrics and Vlisco Fashion (including a range of accessories), opening Vlisco Boutiques in capital cities, aspirational image campaigns and reinforced marketing activity are major elements of the strategy.

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| Woodin Style Nation
  • 1 K Downloads
  • 8 SDKs
  • 4.5 Avg. Rating
  • 4 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vlisco.woodinnation
  • App Support: http://woodinfashion.com/
  • Genre: lifestyle
  • Bundle ID: com.vlisco.woodinnation
  • App Size: 3.29 M
  • Version: 7
  • Release Date: December 18th, 2014
  • Update Date: December 18th, 2014


The FREE Woodin Style Nation app offers local street style inspiration, as spotted by Woodin's roaming photographers in a city street near you. The interactive features allow you to rank your favourite outfits and cast your vote to elect the next Woodin Style Rep.

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Vlisco Netherlands B.v.
Vlisco Netherlands B.v.
Vlisco Netherlands B.v.
Vlisco Netherlands B.v.
Vlisco Netherlands B.v.
Vlisco Netherlands B.v.
They are headquartered at Helmond, Netherlands, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Vlisco Netherlands B.v. works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Microsoft Advertising.