Ontario Ministry Of Municipal Affairs
Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs | Ministre des Affaires municipales de l'Ontario The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs works with local governments and partners across the province to build safe and strong urban and rural communities with dynamic local economies, abundant greenspace and a high quality of life. The ministry helps ensure that land use planning protects what is valuable while enabling and managing growth. It provides advice and deliv
Government Administration
Ontario Ministry Of Municipal Affairs

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs | Ministre des Affaires municipales de l'Ontario

The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs works with local governments and partners across the province to build safe and strong urban and rural communities with dynamic local economies, abundant greenspace and a high quality of life. The ministry helps ensure that land use planning protects what is valuable while enabling and managing growth. It provides advice and delivers programs and educational services to municipalities on municipal management and finance.

Le ministre des Affaires municipales de lÍOntario collabore avec les administrations municipales et dÍautres partenaires de toutes les r_gions de lÍOntario pour bätir des collectivit_s urbaines et rurales s_res et robustes b_n_ficiant dÍ_conomies locales dynamiques, dÍespaces verts abondants et dÍune qualit_ de vie _lev_e. Le ministre veille ö ce que lÍam_nagement du territoire protge ce qui est pr_cieux, tout en permettant et en encadrant la croissance. Il offre des conseils, des programmes ainsi que des services _ducatifs aux municipalit_s concernant la gestion et les finances municipales.

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