Ontario Ministry Of Economic Development And Growth
Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Growth | Ministre du D_veloppement _conomique et de la Croissance de l'Ontario The Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Growth is supporting a strong, innovative economy that can provide jobs, opportunities and prosperity for all Ontarians. This work includes delivering a range of programs, services and tools to help businesses innovate and compete in todayÍs fast-changing global economy, includi
Government Administration
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Ontario Ministry Of Economic Development And Growth

Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Growth | Ministre du D_veloppement _conomique et de la Croissance de l'Ontario

The Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Growth is supporting a strong, innovative economy that can provide jobs, opportunities and prosperity for all Ontarians. This work includes delivering a range of programs, services and tools to help businesses innovate and compete in todayÍs fast-changing global economy, including business support, youth entrepreneurship programs and strategic investments. The ministry helps make investing in Ontario more attractive for businesses, while protecting the public interest. The ministry also works with the disability, private and public sectors in the interest of promoting accessibility for all.

Le ministre du D_veloppement _conomique et de la Croissance de lÍOntario fait la promotion dÍune _conomie solide et novatrice qui favorise la cr_ation d'emplois et de d_bouch_s ainsi que la prosp_rit_ de tous les Ontariens. Son mandat inclut la prestation d'une gamme de programmes, de services et d'outils pour aider les entreprises ö innover et ö se mesurer ö la concurrence au sein de l'_conomie mondiale en constante _volution. Cela comprend le soutien aux entreprises, les programmes d'entrepreneuriat jeunesse et les investissements strat_giques. Tout en prot_geant lÍint_rt public, le ministre contribue ö ce quÍil soit plus attrayant pour les entreprises dÍinvestir en Ontario. Le ministre travaille _galement avec les groupes dÍintervention en faveur des personnes handicap_es et les secteurs priv_ et public afin de promouvoir l'accessibilit_ pour tous.

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| Ontario Drive
  • 0 SDKs
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  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/government-of-ontario/id960115468
  • App Support: http://www.ontario.ca/ezone
  • Genre: Education
  • Bundle ID: ontario.ca.ipad-ezoneOntario
  • App Size: 51.4 M
  • Version: 1.0
  • Release Date: January 29th, 2015


E-Zone provides resources to teachers, parents and children on the little actions they can teach and perform to help protect the environment. The application is developed and maintained by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and is available in both english and french.

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Ontario Ministry Of Economic Development And Growth
Ontario Ministry Of Economic Development And Growth receives up to 4.5M pageviews per day, in countries such as India, United States, Canada, Japan.

They are headquartered at Brampton, Ontario, Canada, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Ontario Ministry Of Economic Development And Growth works with Advertising technology companies such as Openads/OpenX, DoubleClick.Net.