Ontario Ministry Of Energy
Ontario Ministry of Energy | Ministre de l'Änergie de l'Ontario. The Ministry of Energy plays an important role in ensuring OntarioÍs energy supply is clean, safe, reliable, and affordable. Over the past decade, the ministry has focused on rebuilding OntarioÍs electricity grid, closing coal-fired power plants, promoting energy conservation savings, and introducing renewable energy. It advises on all aspects of energy policy, including electricity, natural gas, and
Government Administration
Toronto, Ontario
Ontario Ministry Of Energy

Ontario Ministry of Energy | Ministre de l'Änergie de l'Ontario.

The Ministry of Energy plays an important role in ensuring OntarioÍs energy supply is clean, safe, reliable, and affordable. Over the past decade, the ministry has focused on rebuilding OntarioÍs electricity grid, closing coal-fired power plants, promoting energy conservation savings, and introducing renewable energy. It advises on all aspects of energy policy, including electricity, natural gas, and oil. The Ministry is now undertaking a singular focus to reduce electricity system costs and save consumers money.

Le ministre de lÍÄnergie joue un rªle important pour garantir un approvisionnement en _nergie propre, s_curitaire, fiable et abordable en Ontario. Lors des dix dernires ann_es, le ministre a ax_ ses efforts sur la reconstruction du r_seau de distribution dÍ_lectricit_ provincial, la fermeture des centrales thermiques aliment_es au charbon, la promotion des _conomies dÍ_nergie et lÍintroduction de lÍ_nergie renouvelable. Il conseille sur tous les aspects li_s ö la politique _nerg_tique, y compris lÍ_lectricit_, le gaz naturel et le p_trole. Le ministre sÍattelle actuellement ö r_duire les co_ts dÍexploitation du r_seau de distribution de lÍ_lectricit_ et ö permettre aux consommateurs de faire des _conomies.

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